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Benefits of a multi-manager approach
At 27four Investment Managers, we believe in the concept of not putting all your eggs in one basket.
Machine learning style rotation – evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Daniel Page, David McClelland, Christo Auret
Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23322039.2024.2402893#abstract
fundHERforward: Insights from the Publicly Run Working Capital Application and Screening Process
At 27four, we’re deeply committed to shaping the future of emerging female fund managers. As Lester Freamon,...
Monthly financial markets outlook | September 2024
Developed markets were volatile in August driven by concerns on the continued tightness in the US monetary...
27four lists second AMETF that uses machine learning, style momentum [CityWire]
The new fund dynamically adjusts its exposure to different investment styles, such as value, growth,...
Micro-Investing: Is this new trend sustainable for Millennials and Generations Zs?
There has been a trend in recent years with more and more Millennials and Generation Z individuals (current...
DEI in asset management – 27four launches SA’s first benchmarking framework
Financial services group 27four has launched South Africa’s first benchmarking framework to measure diversity,...
βeta Solutions Quarterly Style Analysis - Q3 2024
Q3 style performance on the JSE was largely dominated by momentum and mid-caps. The “GNU” trade has materialised...